Oil Pastel Painting 油画棒 - Poppies by the Lake
Oil pastel painting/油画棒/오일파스텔로
Materials used: Mungyo oil pastels, Kuelox oil pastels, Canson oil & acrylic paper, painting knife, blending stump
Colors used in this painting are followings,
- colors from Mungyo oil pastels: 244, 245, 217, 246, 231, 227, 242, 241, 232, 233, 230, 235, 239, 209
- colors from Kuelox oil pastels: 615, 724, 722, 721, 730, 806, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 601
Hope you enjoy!
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#油画 #油画棒 #oilpastel #风景画 #오일파스텔로